Cllr Bell calls on UKIP leader to act on Dennehy


Ealing Council’s Labour Leader, Cllr Julian Bell, has written to UKIP Leader Nigel Farage to act against Cllr Dennehy for his offensive remarks regarding the Indian community in Southall.

You can read the full letter below or download a copy by clicking here:

Dear Mr Farage,


I noted over this weekend Mr David Silvester has been suspended from your party following his comments that legalising gay marriage has led to divine retribution in the form of recent bad weather. You were quoted saying you intended to clear out “extremist, nasty or barmy” views from your party.


With this in mind I am interested to know whether you intend to take any action against Cllr Benjamin Dennehy. Cllr Dennehy, who sits on Ealing council as a UKIP councillor, was found by the local standards board to have made offensive blog posts about people from the Indian community. He was asked to apologise and has refused to do so. In fact he recently appealed the decision to the high court at huge expense to the taxpayer. Judge McKenna dismissed his appeal and found that he had been unnecessarily provocative and inappropriate. Cllr Dennehy has announced rather than apologising he now intends to take his case to the court of appeal, again at huge expense to the taxpayer.


I would like to know whether you agree with me that Cllr Dennehy’s views are extremist, nasty and barmy and that he has no place in any modern political party. I will be copying this letter to the local press and eagerly await your response.


Kind regards,


Cllr Julian Bell

Leader of the Council