Cllr Bell”s New Year Message

2015 saw the General Election in May and although Labour did very well in Ealing capturing all three Parliamentary seats it was disappointing to lose to the Tories nationally who have already shown their colours by closing Ealing Hospital’s maternity unit.

In October we had the fantastic news that Ealing will finally be getting its cinema back after the Council successfully served a compulsory purchase order on the previous owners Empire. Other good news included the new incline lift at Greenford Station and the new Southall Broadway Boulevard with improved traffic flows and wider pavements. We will make further progress on the Cinema and other projects in 2016 but the new year will also bring some tough decisions as we try to close the £37m black hole in our budgets caused by the Tory cuts of 56% to local government. But with Crossrail bringing new investment, jobs and homes to Ealing I’m sure we will find a way forward. 2016 is important for London as we elect a new Mayor and Assembly. Ealing Labour will be pulling out all the stops to get Dr Onkar Sahota and Sadiq Khan elected on 5th May.

A very happy and prosperous New Year to all my friends and family. 


Cllr Julian Bell, Labour Leader of Ealing Council